Rejuvveda Clinic

Daund, Pune

Do you need a high percentage of active ingredients in your skincare?

Short answer: nah..

But let’s unpack…

There’s a recent trend with wanting to use products that has the highest percentage of active ingredients. The idea is that “If I use a higher percentage of.. let’s say.. lactic acid, I will see better results.” But that’s not always the case.

There’s a lot that goes into a formulation. Percentage of active ingredients is only one part of it.
You have to also take into consideration the overall texture, consistency, supporting ingredients, preservatives, pH and so much more. Imagine if you had a 10% HA serum that had a super thick, slimy/sticky, consistency. Would you use it consistently? Maybe not. So there’s a LOT more than just the active ingredients.

The ingredient ranges in this article were taken from Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR), an organization that review and assess the safety of ingredients used in cosmetics in an open, unbiased and expert manner and publish the results in peer-reviewed scientific literature.

Bottom line: don’t fall for high percentages. It doesn’t always mean better results. Rather, consider the formulation as a whole, maybe even do a before and after to see if you see any difference and finally use it consistently. With the plethora of products and brands on the market, many consumers don’t give a product enough time to see results and move on to the next product.

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